Bayang-Bayang Maha Kecil (Shadows of the Tiniest Kind) 
Stoneware, Ceramics, Glass, Wood and Lamps

Created by Titarubi
Titarubi created this artwork to show her concern of the children in Indonesia nowadays. "The ceramic stoneware busts of nine children sit on wooden stands, each of which carries an inscription in Arabic, with halos of light above their heads parodying saintliness. The two hands of each of the nine busts are poised in mid air as if to bless viewers in the manner of a priest blessing his flock. The installation has the deceptive air of a sacred ritual." (Bianpoen. C., Wardani. F., Dirgantoro. W., p. 243). Titarubi felt that children nowadays are forced to learn and memorise prayers without understanding what the prayers mean and this is the entirely wrong way to teach young children to love and embrace their religion. 

Bianpoen. C., Wardani. F., Dirgantoro. W. (2007). Indonesian Women Artists: The Curtain Opens. Jarkarta , Indonesia: Yayasan Senirupu Indonesia (YSRI) 

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